During the visit to install the first Integrated Multimedia Library (IML) room at Gitaba

public elementary school in Rutana province, Engaged For Children Burundi provided school kits to 50 vulnerable primary and secondary school students. This action is part of the Access to Education and Leadership building of Vulnerable Children (AELVC) initiative.

As usual, the ceremony of donation to the students took place in the presence of the school director, administrative authorities and families of the beneficiaries. The school kits included learning supplies (notebooks, pens, erasers, etc.) and especially English books for the grade 6. In addition, 200 additional books included in the national school curriculum were offered to the school thanks to the support of King's School International - Burundi. This support in learning books was very much appreciated by the school management, considering the limited resources available.

The next session of the AELVC program is scheduled for the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Engaged For Children continues to mobilize partners to support this initiative that contributes to Education For All and targets more children in different regions and countries.
Donations to the program are still being received online and partnerships can be solicited by contacting the organization's management